Mejores agencias SEO de España

Top-10: Best SEO Agencies in Spain (2023)

Table of contents

When doing the query ‘SEO agency’ from Spain, certain companies appear on the first page of Google.

According to this main parameter and taking into account criteria such as clients, position on the results page, value of its directors, time in the market, costs, tools and quality of service, the best SEO agencies in Spain (ordered from highest to lowest according to monthly organic traffic received) are as follows:

If you wish, you can go to the summary table or go deeper into the criteria we have selected.


mejores agencias SEO España - NeoAttack


Brands they have worked with:


  • +6 years of experience.
  • +60 marketing experts.
  • +3,000 satisfied customers.
  • 250 million sales achieved.

Position in Google

  • Domain Authority: 50
  • Backlinks: 18,447
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 111,820
  • Organic keywords: 72,246

Value of its main managers

Jesus Madurga:

  • Degree in marketing, business, management and related disciplines (ESERP Business & Law School).
  • More than 7 years of experience in marketing.
  • In 5 years he went from working on his own to having a team of more than 70 people.
  • Offer consulting and mentoring on your own.

Alvaro Santiago:

  • Diploma in Business Sciences (University of Seville).
  • Graduated in Foreign Trade (HEPL)
  • More than 10 years of experience in the area.

Time on the market

Founded in May 2014.


They do not have their published rates.


They offer three guides on their main menu:

  • SEOWiki : web positioning.
  • AdsWiki : digital advertising.
  • NeoWiki : dictionary of marketing.

Quality of service

On their portal they have videos that show testimonials from their clients, as well as the media in which they have appeared.

They mention that they have +500 satisfied customers and Google reviews confirm it.

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SNS Marketing

Mejores agencias SEO España - SNS Marketing


Brands they have worked with:


  • + 3,000 clients.
  • They have a team of +40 specialists.

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 31.
  • Backlinks: 2,485
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 21,389.
  • Organic keywords: 8,351.

Value of its main managers

Ignacio Lafuente (CEO and Founder):

  • He has +25 years of experience in marketing.
  • He was Commercial Director at DMI Computer.
  • He spent seven years in the marketing area of ​​Sage Spain.

Sergio de Una (General Manager):

  • Publicist with 11 years of experience in the area of ​​digital marketing with B2B and B2C projects.
  • Master’s Degree in Film and Television Fiction (Universitat Ramon Llull).
  • Communication and Media Studies (The University of Manchester).
  • Degree in Audiovisual Communication (Miguel de Cervantes European University).

Time on the market

Founded in June 2006.


Web positioning from €149 per month.


They have a small dictionary of concepts related to marketing.

For their clients, they offer exclusive monitoring tools.

Quality of service

The agency is a Google Premier Partner.

Several favorable testimonials are present in your Home.

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Agencia SEO (eu)

mejores agencias SEO de España -


Brands they have worked with:


  • 5,000 strategic keywords positioned on the first page of Google (adding all your customers).
  • 1,500% increase in visits in less than a year (in some cases).
  • 3,500 transactions in less than a quarter (in some cases).

Position in Google

  • Domain Authority: 40
  • Backlinks: 1,136
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 9,960
  • Organic keywords: 5,218

Value of its main managers

Roberto Gorraiz de la Mata (CEO and co-founder):

  • Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (Cardenal Herrera University).
  • He worked at Ogilvy.
  • More than twelve years of experience in marketing.
  • Winner of the national Versus contest of the Creative Club.

Guillermo Cotolí (Head of Strategy):

  • Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing (ESIC – Business & Marketing School)
  • Degree in Business Administration and Management (University of Valencia).
  • More than eight years of experience in marketing.
  • Best Academic Record Award, Member of the Roll of Honor (2015-2016) and Entrepreneurial Initiative Award Academic Excellence Award (2014-2015)

Time on the market

Founded in January 2016


They do not display their rates on the website. However, they do provide a lengthy explanation of why their prices are custom made and show the user how to request a quote.


They offer free audits and SEO tips on their blog.

Quality of service

The agency mentions that it usually increases the organic traffic of its clients by 80% and has a page where it explains how the projects they have handled have gone.

They have the Google Partner certificate.

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mejores agencias SEO de España - Dobuss


Brands they have worked with:


  • Second SEO agency in Spain, according to SEMrush.
  • More than 200 success stories.
  • More than 100 brand strategies.
  • More than 50 public interventions.
  • Beneficiaries of the European Regional Development Fund (EU).

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 28.
  • Backlinks: 32,204.
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 9,555.
  • Organic keywords: 4,663.

Value of its main managers

José Luis García-Morato (Co-founder):

  • He has created 4 companies, including the European Business School.
  • More than 20 years of experience in the area.

Jose Huertas Jimenez (Co-founder):

  • Degree in Law (University of Córdoba).
  • Graduated in Psychology (UNED).

Time on the market

Founded in July 2013.


They are not published on your website.


  • Website conversion calculator.
  • Free analysis with SEMrush.
  • Technical support guides.

Quality of service

They are a Google Partner and have the approval of Confianza Online, the leading quality seal on the Internet in Spain.

In their portal they have a section where they detail the work carried out in each area of ​​the business and they also have an area of ​​testimonials.

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Mente Digital

mejores agencias SEO España - Mente Digital


Brands they have worked with:


  • 5,000 satisfied customers.
  • 2,000 top #1 (we don’t know if they are keywords or customers on the first page of Google).

Position in Google

  • Domain Authority: 43
  • Backlinks: 51,551
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 6,152
  • Organic keywords: 1,856

Value of its main managers

Judith Sauch (founder and CEO):

  • Postgraduate course in Digital Marketing (UAB and UPC).
  • Professor in Digital Marketing Masters, in universities such as EAE Business School.
  • Postgraduate professor of SEM and Social Media.
  • He has worked with more than 4,000 companies.

Time on the market

Founded in 2008.


On their website they have a section where they detail the price of dozens of services.

An SEO Audit of a small website starts at €1,590.

An On Page optimization of a large website can reach €5,900.


They don’t own.

Quality of service

They have 5-star ratings on Google and several reviews from happy customers.

In addition to this, they have a section of success stories where they present projects from various areas and ensure “results from the first month”.

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mejores agencias SEO de España - Top SEO


Brands they have worked with:


  • Clients in Dubai, Miami, Madrid, Dominican Republic, Peru, Colombia and Canada.

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 17.
  • Backlinks: 1,960.
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 4,232.
  • Organic keywords: 970.

Value of its main managers

Carlos Hueso (CEO and founder):

  • Degree in Marketing (Rey Juan Carlos University).
  • +7 years of exclusive dedication to SEO.
  • Founding member of Forfait Online .
  • Master Professional Development 3.0 (University of Alcalá).
  • Special Web Analytics Program (KSchool).

Time on the market

Founded in 2012.


On average, their web positioning services have a monthly cost of €470 + VAT.


They do not present

Quality of service

They have 30 5-star reviews on Google My Business, several of them accompanied by very positive comments about the services.

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Optimiza Click

agencias SEO España - Optimiza Click


Brands they have worked with:


  • 723 developments carried out.
  • 40,114 hours of programming.

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 38.
  • Backlinks: 588,955.
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 2,208
  • Organic keywords: 3,473

Value of its main managers

Lizeth Arias Contreras:

  • Digital marketing specialist with 10 years of experience.
  • Professor (Antonio José de Sucre Technological University Institute).
  • Degree in Social Communication (Rafael Belloso Chacín University).
  • Master in Corporate Communication (Universidad Fermín Toro).

Ana Alvarez Gonzalez:

  • Content Manager and Social Media Manager with 10 years of experience in the company.
  • Degree in Audiovisual Communication (Camilo José Cela University).
  • Degree in Journalism (Camilo José Cela University).

Time on the market

There is no information.


They are not published.


They do not offer to the public.

Quality of service

They have Google Partner and several testimonials from their published clients.

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Se Digital

mejores agencias SEO España - SeDigital


Brands they have worked with:

  • N/A


  • More than 200 clients guarantee their work.

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 37.
  • Backlinks: 2,141.
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 2,006.
  • Organic keywords: 554.

Value of its main managers

Álvaro Lafuente (CEO and founder):

  • He studied at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Lorena Díaz (Account Executive):

  • Expert Course in Social Media and Digital Creativity (IEBS).
  • WordPress course (Classroom CM)
  • Master in communication and health (Complutense University of Madrid).
  • Degree in Advertising and Public Relations (Rey Juan Carlos University).

Time on the market

Founded in 2015.


Their plans range from €150 to €500 per month.


They do not present

Quality of service

They have Google Partner.

There are no customer reviews on their website.

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mejores agencias SEO España - Softalian


Brands they have worked with:


  • +17 years of experience.
  • 800 companies and 500 own portals positioned.

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 32.
  • Backlinks: 1,337.
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 1,291.
  • Organic keywords: 403.

Value of its main managers

Nacho Monterde (CEO – SEO Director):

  • +20 years of experience in SEO and web development.
  • Doctor in Telecommunications Engineering (Polytechnic University of Valencia).
  • Doctor in Mathematics (Polytechnic University of Valencia).
  • He runs the blog

Time on the market

Founded in 2004.


They offer SEO audits from €499.

Organic positioning ranges from €450 per month (small businesses) to €900.


Softalian has around 500 of its own portals positioned, a great strategic advantage when it comes to link building for its clients.

These sites cover various topics and serve as laboratories for the agency to do SEO tests.

Quality of service

Softalia, thanks to the work done with its own portals, shows on its website how it has managed, for example, to attract 3 million monthly visits with a single domain.

They also have testimonials from satisfied customers.

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SEO In House



Brands they have worked with:


  • Ten years on the market.
  • Dozens of satisfied customers.

Position in Google

  • Domain authority: 32.
  • Backlinks: 1,255.
  • Organic traffic (monthly): 757.
  • Organic keywords: 1,186.

Value of its main managers

Miguel Angel Serra (CMO):

  • Degree in Information Sciences, Advertising (University of Barcelona)
  • More than 16 years of experience.

Eric Pühse (SEO Analyst):

  • More than 7 years of experience in SEO.
  • Master Professor (IEBS Business School).

Time on the market

Founded in January 2018 (although they had been on the market for some time before with another name).


They are not published.


They offer free review to websites.

Quality of service

5-star rating on Google, based on 15 reviews.

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The best SEO agencies in Spain (summary table)

Criterio / EmpresaClientesPosición en Google (visitas orgánicas)Principal directivoFundación (tiempo en el mercado)Costos HerramientasCalidad del servicio
111.820Jesús Madurga2014N/ATestimonios y valoraciones en Google.

+3.000 clientes satisfechos.
SNS Marketing-Gerosol.
-Carpe Diem.
-Aspy System.
21.389Ignacio Lafuente2006Desde 149 € al mesTestimonios y Google Partner.

+3.000 clientes.
Agencia SEO (eu)-Deplace.
9.960Roberto Gorraiz de la Mata2016N/ACasos de éxito y Google Partner.

Aumentan 80% el tráfico orgánico de sus clientes.
Dobuss-Olivarera San Isidro.
-Woow Córdoba.
-Calablanca Catering.
9.555José Luis García-Morato2013N/AGoogle Partner y aprobación de Confianza Online.

Más de 200 casos de éxito.
Mente Digital-Institut Jaume Balmes.
-Agua Controlada.
6.152Judith Sauch2008Auditorías SEO desde 1.590 €NoValoraciones y reviews en Google, casos de éxito y resultados garantizados desde el primer mes.

+5.000 clientes satisfechos.
Top SEO-Toyota Kobe Motor.
-Goa Catering.
4.232Carlos Hueso2012Desde 470 € al mesNoValoraciones y reviews en Google.
Optimiza Click-Zasmobel.
2.208Lizeth Arias ContrerasN/AN/AN/AGoogle Partner y testimonios.

723 desarrollos realizados.
SeDigitalN/A2.006Álvaro Lafuente2015Desde los 150 € a los 500 € mensualesNoGoogle Partner.

+200 clientes avalan su trabajo.
-Grupo Atman.
1.291Nacho Monterde2004Auditorías SEO desde 499 €Ejemplos de posicionamiento y testimonios.

800 empresas y 500 portales propios posicionados.
SEO In House-Gaulan Interiors.
757Miguel Ángel Serra2018N/ADecenas de clientes satisfechos y valoraciones en Google.

Criteria to qualify the best agencies in Spain

– Clients : refers to the success stories of the company.

– Position in Google : it has to do with the results of the SEO efforts made by the brand. Aspects to evaluate:

  • Domain authority (reputation in Google: from 0 to 100).
  • Backlinks (number of websites that link to them).
  • Organic traffic (monthly visits from Google).
  • Organic keywords (number of words with which they are positioned).

– Value of its main executives : marketing experience of the people who lead the company.

– Time in the market : date of foundation of the company.

– Costs : rates of your services and if that information is present on the web.

– Tools : applications, software or templates that they offer on their portal.

– Quality of service : customer reviews/testimonials.

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