Marian Piñango

Marian Piñango

Process manager

Graduated in Social Communication at the Andrés Bello Catholic University with mentions in Screenwriting and Corporate Communications. I commit myself wholeheartedly to projects when they excite me and I dream of being part of something that changes the world.

Other interests

Falling in love with fictional characters, embroidering, spreading love to all the dogs in the world, dancing and enjoying my mom’s food.




Is the content we publish more important? Yes and yes. Regarding the ‘likes’, Instagram has already announced that they could soon disappear, and it will not surprise me when the other networks follow that path. Quora response posted on Huffpost in Spanish.

Marian Piñango, from Pencil Speech, wants you to stop throwing arrows at the management of your networks. Take advantage of the fact that the class is free, simple and very useful. Guest blogging in Urbe Bikini (UB) – El Estímulo.

You have to learn a little from this: digital marketing. If you have a business and want to sell more, here is a spoiler: the answer is not in the RRSS. Guest blogging in Urbe Bikini (UB) – El Estímulo.

What is the best marketing book? Are the ‘likes’ in the RRSS about to end? How to attract organic traffic to my website? Do I have. Guest blogging in Urbe Bikini (UB) – El Estímulo.

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