Content Manager: What is it and what does it do?+8 key functions

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What is and what is the main function of a content manager or content manager?
A content manager is the person who is in charge of designing, guiding and monitoring the production of content for a company’s website, social networks and email marketing campaigns.
What qualities characterize an efficient content manager?
1. Write and proofread texts flawlessly.

2. Manage social networks in depth.

3. Build healthy interpersonal relationships.

4. Is organized, methodical, and goal-oriented.

5. Understands and correctly analyzes statistics.

6. You can think outside the box.

Content marketing must be taken with the same responsibility and seriousness with which a company faces a sale process or the hiring of new personnel.

The production of texts, audios and videos should not be delegated to a corner of the office and much less should it be in the hands of that nephew, son or grandson who will do an internship for 3 months and who has the keys to the company’s social networks. business.

No. A trained professional ( Social Communication student or journalist , if possible) should be responsible.

Producing great content is a full-time job that requires someone to own these efforts.

In this article you will find: the characteristics of a good content manager, the responsibilities that their position entails and the tools that they use to carry out their functions.

Qualities, functions and characteristics of content managers

writing lover

Good content managers love to tell stories.

They have the ability to explain, in a simple way, an innumerable number of topics to any reader who crosses their path.

We are not talking about using fancy words to appear smarter than others, but about making each user an insider in your industry through good writing.

“You can always teach a great writer to be a good marketer, but you can’t always teach a good marketer to be a great writer.”

Marcus Sheridan – They Ask You Answer

Text editor

Normally, in large companies, there is an editor for each type of content (text, audio or video).

However, in companies that are just starting out,  the content manager will have to fulfill more than one role and be able to convert ‘regular’ texts into pieces that dominate the first page of Google.

This person must have good judgment to prioritize the raw content that is generated in recording or writing sessions and turn  those diamonds in the rough into refined texts ready to be exhibited.

It is an excellent bonus, in this sense, to have video editing skills .

Today people consume more and more audiovisual content (such as podcasts and videos ).

Anticipating these needs will position you as an extremely valuable person for any company.

Skilled for the interview

This is a very important differentiating element, because it is very likely that the content manager will have to generate content on topics in which he is not an expert.

It will be your task to sit down with the subject-matter experts of the companies and ask the right questions that stimulate the creation of a quality text that teaches, helps and informs the readers.

In addition, you must be able to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer to generate pieces that build trust between prospects and companies .

Aware of the potential of social networks

The RRSS are here to stay. Companies that want to reach out and create communities should have a presence on Instagram , LinkedIn , Facebook , Twitter , and any other platform (Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, TikTok) where their audience is present.

A good content manager must understand what content is most appropriate on each channel, what is the best way to share it, what useful strategies can be applied to connect more with people , and use all this for the benefit of the brand for which they work.

Likewise, it is essential that the content manager ensures that, in each publication, there is valuable information for users or followers:

Relationship builder

Having to deal with people with different personalities, backgrounds and cultures forces the content manager to be someone who is close, cheerful and capable of cultivating an excellent relationship with all the members of a team.

Distant people, who are not empathic with their environment, will find it very difficult to become successful in this position.

Organized and achievement oriented

The content manager must create an editorial calendar that is adjusted to the goals that the company intends to meet.

In this world it is imperative to have order. Otherwise, all content marketing efforts may be wasted.

This person should organize interviews and inductions for new team members, as well as set deadlines.

Each of the proposed objectives needs: planning, order and monitoring.

Passionate about statistics

Content managers must be attentive to the numbers.

It is key to remember that users are the ones who are going to show us what they like, how they are achieving it and what formats they prefer.

No matter how much you want to position a type of content,  it will be your consumers who tell you if they really like it.

Therefore, you will have to keep an eye on the statistics to analyze them later.

Numbers alone mean nothing: that’s when the content manager’s expertise comes in to generate positive actions based on them.

Ability to think outside the box

The content manager must be creative and always scheming how to achieve the goals no matter what obstacles they face.

A good content manager does not stop thinking and looking for new ways to motivate their team and turn their content into unique pieces that their consumers appreciate.

Basic duties and responsibilities of a content manager

What does a content manager do?
  • Publish at least 3 pieces of content per week (text, video or audio).
  • Maintain continuous education: reading, learning new SEO tools or practices, managing web applications, etc.
  • Monitor the progress of content creation and ensure compliance with the editorial calendar.
  • Create email marketing campaigns.
  • Perform analysis of SEO statistics and the company’s website.
  • Periodically review the performance of posts on social networks.
  • Design special or premium content: courses, conferences, webinars.
  • Make improvements to the website: new calls to action, texts or links.

What tools does a content manager use?

The tools that content managers use, depending on their function, are:
  1. To analyze website statistics : Google Search Console and Google Analytics.
  2. To design email marketing campaigns and understand user behavior within the web : Hubspot.
  3. To program posts on social networks and monitor their performance : Facebook Creator Studio, Posfity, and internal tools of each platform.
  4. To track the team’s follow-up on your content creation features : Asana or Trello.


In the end, if we analyze all these qualities, we are basically talking about a good communicator.

This does not mean, however, that people who have not studied this career cannot be good for this job.

We must remember that the world is turning more towards the side of “What can you do?” or “What are your skills?” and is moving away from “What career did you study?”.

Companies look for people who directly solve their needs regardless of the past they have.

There is no doubt that these people, if they have never been involved in the world of content production , will need training to ‘think like marketers’ and understand the philosophy of the company they join.

On the other hand, if you are a business owner and you hired the right person, you can be sure that with this new member in the team you will be able to take your brand to the next level.

How to attract the right people to work in your company?:

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